Latest Articles by Pathik Bhatt | TopMBA

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Pathik Bhatt is the Associate Director of Interactive Recruiting at the Kelley School of Business where he is also pursuing his online MBA and MS in Business Analytics. Pathik has 6 years of online, social media, and content marketing experience, and enjoys writing about his MBA journey when he’s not studying or attending classes: You can follow him on twitter: @Pathik_Bhatt, or connect with him on LinkedIn:

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Pathik Bhatt
2 Articles . 126 Shares

Pathik Bhatt is the Associate Director of Interactive Recruiting at the Kelley School of Business where he is also pursuing his online MBA and MS in Business Analytics. Pathik has 6 years of online, social media, and content marketing experience, and enjoys writing about his MBA journey when he’s not studying or attending classes: You can follow him on twitter: @Pathik_Bhatt, or connect with him on LinkedIn:

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