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Articles with tag 'student stories'
By Keshala Jayawickrama
UpdatedParticipating teams kicked off the Operation Santa Claus (OSC) MBA Charity Challenge with a pitching fest as they launch their initiatives to help OSC beneficiaries
By QS Content Writer
UpdatedAlastaire Allday decided to study an MBA at Durham University Business School, after suffering from burn-out in his marketing career. Learn more about his MBA…
By Craig OCallaghan
UpdatedPranay Kasat shares his experiences of working with QS to find the business school of his dreams.
By Craig OCallaghan
UpdatedFederico Fernandez tells us why he chose to study an MBA at Durham and how the school’s MBA programme and well-connected cohort have given him the tools required to take the next…
By Craig OCallaghan
UpdatedAlliance Manchester Business School MBA student Ignacio Munoz Villaseca speaks with TopMBA about his experiences on the MBA programme as a member of the LGBT+ community.
By Niamh Ollerton
UpdatedTopMBA spoke to Manny, an executive MBA student at Warwick Business School, to find out what it’s like studying at one of the world’s elite institutions.
By Laura L