Find Out Why a Good Fit is So Important at Business School |

Find Out Why a Good Fit is So Important at Business School

By Niamh Ollerton

Updated Updated

There are a number of things you need to consider when choosing a business school. Location, curriculum, ethos to name but a few, but how about your fit within the community and learning requirements?

We caught up with faculty at three business schools to find out more.

Importance of a good fit

Michael Waldhier, Director of Admissions at Pennsylvania State University: Smeal College of Business says what they’re looking for is what all schools talk about – a good fit.

He says, “We’re looking for people who fir the culture of the community, of the family that’s here within the program.”

They’re looking for personal integrity, people willing to roll up their sleeves and get things done. He adds, “We want people that have grit, the ability to overcome obstacles, to work within a tea and be respectful to those within a team.”

Not a rejection office

Jay Bryant, Director of Graduate Recruitment and Admissions at UC San Diego Rady School of Management says, “Ultimately the admissions office is there to bring people into the school. We’re an admissions office, not a rejections office.”

They want to bring people in who are a good fit for the school, who are capable of the academic work, be a good team player and eventually go on and represent the school post-graduation.  

Experiential learning

Alexandra Munroe, Associate Director of Graduate Admissions and Recruitment at Northeastern University’s D’Amore-McKim School of Business says the university has been utilizing experiential learning for 100 years.

Why is this a benefit? It’s created strong relationships with corporate partners, allowing students to participate in internships, and full-time employment opportunities post-graduation with top employers across the globe.

This article was originally published in . It was last updated in

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