Four Top Schools Launch Exchange Program for Master’s in Management Students |

Four Top Schools Launch Exchange Program for Master’s in Management Students

By Niamh Ollerton

Updated Updated

Imperial College Business School, Imperial College London; ESMT BerlinSingapore Managament University's Lee Kong Chian School of Business and Smith School of Business at Queen’s University have joined forces to create a global, multiple school exchange program for master’s in management (MiM) students.

The Global MiM Network enables four students at each member school to take courses at one or more partner institutions, allowing for a more global study experience without the cost or bureaucracy of a full-time overseas program.

Students within the network will take core modules at their home business school, before completing additional courses at one or more of the other member schools.

Unlike traditional exchange programs, students are able to make use of the greater flexibility associated with the network, meaning participants can tailor their academic and personal experiences across four locations.


Participants can also undertake internships in companies while studying at partner schools, gaining first-hand experience working internationally and broadening their horizons post-graduation.

Students will also have access to recruitment events and career services at the schools they attend during the exchange. Following graduation, they will also be added to the alumni networks from the schools they attended.

Leila Guerra, Associate Dean of Programs at Imperial College Business School said: “As the focus of business becomes increasingly global, Millennials and Gen-Z master’s students are seeking careers beyond their home country and demand a more diverse study experience that will prepare them for careers in any industry or destination.

“By taking part in the Global MiM Network, students will greatly expand their personal and professional networks, benefit from the insights of professors at other institutions and gain greater understanding of the cultural dynamics and challenges of working in international business.”

Upon graduation, students will receive a degree from their home school as well as certificates reflecting the courses taken at other partner institutions.

Nick Barniville, Associate Dean of Degree Programs at ESMT says, “In contrast to traditional exchange programs which are standard, semester-long, untailored programs, schools in the Global MiM Network are each offering different, customized experiences to participants from other schools.

“Students can pick and choose from both academic and project-based modules of different durations at various times across the year and will be encouraged to take multiple exchanges.”

Professor Gerard George, Dean of SMU’s Lee Kong Chian School of Business, and Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship says, “The world of business is more connected than ever. Employers typically select graduates who are adaptable, embrace diversity, and can thrive in a global environment.

“With the Global MiM Network, our students benefit from a multifaceted learning experience that fosters cultural fluency and international understanding, including the advantage of deep networks forged with peers around the world. The Network furthers our mission of nurturing globally-minded future leaders of society.”

The Global MiM Network will be offered to four students at each institution starting their studies in August and September 2019. For more information, speak to the participating schools directly.

This article was originally published in . It was last updated in

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