IESE MBA Job Locations Diversify: MBA News |

IESE MBA Job Locations Diversify: MBA News

By QS Contributor

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IESE Business School in Spain has released information on how its 2013 IESE MBA graduates have performed in the MBA jobs market so far, with one key trend appearing to be greater internationalisation of post-MBA job locations.
"Asia has emerged as a new destination, with 19 percent of placements, while Europe continues to be the most significant continent, taking some 34 percent of graduates," the IESE MBA career services department said in a statement.

IESE MBA Careers

Further, around 80 percent of the class, which graduated from the IESE MBA in May, have secured work. This figure is expected to rise to 90 percent by September, according to the business school.
In terms of industries, the school mentions that consultancy, healthcare, banking, energy and consumer goods have proved to be the most popular for 2013 IESE MBA class. Top employers include McKinsey & Company, American Express, and Telefonica.
The IESE MBA program is one of a handful of MBA programs in Europe that lasts for two years, allowing enrolled students the chance to attend internship programs as part of the program. The current IESE MBA cohort, the class of 2014, have all secured summer internships according to the school, with students spending their summer at "various companies in 40 countries and a range of sectors from finance to distribution, as well as IT, tourism, banking, consultancy and foundations."

This article was originally published in . It was last updated in

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