MBA Book Reviews from the Experts (Part Two) |

MBA Book Reviews from the Experts (Part Two)

By QS Contributor

Updated Updated
Any keen student knows the benefits of reading around their MBA program. However, with so many books on the market claiming to help students along with their MBA education, it’s difficult to find any of real value to a program.
In the second of three instalments of’s book reviews, our guest specialists give two more recommendations for any MBA degree aspirant.
You can read MBA book reviews from the experts (part one) here.

Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher, William L Ury and Bruce M Patton 

Two of our guest MBA specialists chose Getting to Yes, so clearly it’s an essential read for anyone on an MBA degree.
Tobias M Wolff, an MBA student at HHL - Leipzig Graduate School of Management explains his choice. “This book is not only a must-read for any MBA student, but it also helps outside academic life.
“Separate people from problems; focus on interests, not positions; invent options for mutual gain and insist on using objective criteria - these four guidelines will not only make you a master negotiator but probably change your entire life.” 
Giselle Weybrecht, London Business School MBA graduate, and author of The Sustainable MBA: the Manager’s Guide to Green Business explains why she also chose Getting to Yes: 
“Whether you are in a business situation negotiating a new contract or trying to decide whom in your study group is going to do what on the next couple of assignments, Getting to Yes provides a good introduction to negotiations. 
“Of interest and accessible to both beginners and veterans, the book explores how to find out what other people want, what you want and then to devise better ways to create a ‘win’ for all parties. It explores concepts such as determining what your BATNA or best alternative to a negotiated agreement is, how to separate the people from the problem, how to focus on interests not positions, how to invent options for mutual gain and how to insist on using objective criteria. 
“The book was first published 15 years ago by members of the Harvard Negotiation Project but its lessons are no less relevant today than they were when it first came out.”

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Dr Katie Best, director of MBA programs at BPP Business School in London explains why students studying at her school should read Gladwell’s book. “Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell would be my essential reading for all MBA and Executive MBA students.
“It teaches the most important business lesson, that you have to be in the right place at the right time and then work really hard to make the most of the situation you’re in. Recognising and grasping opportunities, and then using your skills to make those opportunities work for you, is a fundamental business skill.” 
For part three of our MBA book reviews from the experts click here.
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This article was originally published in . It was last updated in

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