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Easy Access Education: The Distance Learning MBA
By QS Contributor
Updated UpdatedWith distance learning MBA education offering the kind of flexibility it does, your educational goals lie within easy reach.
Whether a career path or lack of financial means prevents you from travelling overseas for your MBA program, all is not lost. With increasing numbers of programs offered at a distance and quality assurance mechanisms beginning to keep pace with such new developments, transnational programs could help you meet your educational goals.The complexity of our everyday lives makes finding time to study for an MBA program increasingly difficult. Top business schools expect students to have over four years work experience behind them, but with conflicting pressures of a career, personal and family life, returning to study fulltime can be problematic if not impossible. With top business schools wishing to support lifelong learning and continuing professional development, more programs are being offered on a flexible basis to encourage potential graduate students to study while they work. Additionally, the average distance learning MBA provider gives the student three to four years to complete the program. Most accredited schools provide a certain time period within which the program must be completed.
Distance learning MBAs on the increase
The desire to study for high quality, internationally recognized programs is growing at an almost exponential rate all over the world. These programs enable students to seek qualifications offered by top business schools and delivered locally. The way in which these academic programs operate varies from country to country and business school to business school, but they all combine online elements such as streaming video lectures and tutorial chat rooms, with local classes, teleconferencing, televised lectures or experiments and many other forms of assessment. Mixed mode methods of teaching on these programs are among the most popular and help students tackle their course of study through a range of teaching strategies.
Distance learning MBA programs
Many business schools have successfully adapted their existing MBA programs so that all or part of the course can be delivered at a local site, close to where the student lives and works. Schools combine a range of delivery methods to ensure that the content of the programs are taught in such a way that the remoteness of a student's location is no obstacle to the academic and learning experience. In some situations, schools establish regional teaching centres where certain elements of a program, such as seminars or keynote lectures, are delivered physically so that students can travel and experience this element of the program. In other cases, elements of the degree might be offered to students through their actual attendance at lectures or teaching elements at the institution itself, thus offering part of the fulltime teaching experience to these distant students.
Distance learning MBA programs are a plenty and prestigious schools like the Garvin School at Thunderbird, in the US, are offering students who for some reason can't undertake a traditional classroom-based MBA the opportunity to gain the same qualification as a full-time on-campus student. Whatever your interests are, it's almost certain you will find a reputable distance learning program that provides you with the tools you need to meet your professional and educational goals.
The Latin phrase caveat emptor (let the buyer beware) is appropriate here; not all distance-learning MBAs are accredited and plenty of "schools" are out to make a quick buck. Make sure your distance learning MBA program is recognized by one of the three main accrediting bodies, AMBA, EQUIS and the AACSB. Before choosing a program it is extremely important to assess your chosen school's reputation. Ask employers what they think of your selection and if possible, find alumni to give you the lowdown on the degree.
This article was originally published in . It was last updated in
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