MBA Recruiter Interview: Alison Keefe, Keurig Green Mountain |

MBA Recruiter Interview: Alison Keefe, Keurig Green Mountain

By Nicole Willson

Updated Updated

A consumer packaged goods (CPG) company isn’t always the first employer that springs to mind when one thinks about MBA jobs. Yet, a growing number of these companies are recruiting MBAs to help expand their business. Demand for MBAs in the CPG industry increased by 12% this year, according to the 2014/15 MBA Jobs & Salary Trends Report.

Keurig Mountain Green coffee machine
Specialty beverage and coffee machine company, Keurig Green Mountain, is a CPG company whose single-serve coffee pods account for over a quarter of US ground coffee sales. The company began hiring MBA graduates three years ago, as Keurig Green Mountain’s growth necessitated taking on MBAs who are able to make informed decisions about the company’s future, states university relations manager, Alison Keefe. In this interview, Keefe discusses what it’s like for MBAs to work at Keurig Green Mountain and offers some tips on making a good impression.

How long has Keurig been recruiting MBAs? 

Our MBA recruiting program started in 2011.

How has MBA hiring been affected by expansion into new product lines?

Our historically strong company financial performance is driven through new product launches like the Keurig 2.0, new partnerships (i.e., Coca Cola), and new geographies. All of these require talented employees comfortable with ambiguity and who thrive in a dynamic environment. Hiring from top MBA programs has provided an agile talent pool that has a broad appreciation of different marketplaces internationally and who have the analytical capabilities to inform our future business decisions. 

What are common jobs for MBA graduates at Keurig?

As a company known for our award-winning beverages, innovative brewing technology, and socially responsible business practices, we’ve hosted and hired MBA graduates to support key functions from marketing to innovation to business development.  

Which business schools do you recruit from and why?

We recruit from a variety of schools, including top business schools.  However, just as we believe that innovation comes from putting disparate ideas together, we recruit talent from a cross-section of schools to find the best talent for our fast-paced, high-growth culture.       

When recruiting, do you look for MBAs with particular specializations or industry backgrounds? 

Yes, we are interested in MBAs who have technical specializations and have experience in the CPG or consumer durable goods sector.

How many MBA students do you typically recruit each year from the US?

The number of MBA students we recruit is driven by our business needs and varies every year. 

How many MBA interns did Keurig have this year?

We had eight MBA interns in 2014.

What steps should MBAs take in order to make a good impression?   

Students should be able to articulate why they want to join us, what they bring to the company, what they are aiming to achieve from their internships or full-time positions and how they can distinguish themselves from others. A well-written résumé with key achievements, career interests, and leadership activities is always a plus. 

Conversely, what are some common mistakes MBAs should avoid when contacting recruiters?

Some common slipups include:

  • Coming across as overly confident about getting an offer
  • Dominating the conversation
  • Making excuses or negative comments about prior experiences – It’s best to take responsibility for actions and be aware of your development needs

What are the biggest misconceptions MBAs might have about working at Keurig?

MBA students often expect a rotational leadership program that prepares them for general management or top leadership positions. We believe in employees brewing their own careers to their personal satisfaction and choice. We aim to provide developmental opportunities that are meaningful, progressive and business-focused where someone can have substantive responsibility and impact on the business.  

What else should MBAs know before applying for jobs at Keurig? 

Be reflective! Internal due-diligence and self-awareness is important to being successful. Figure out what environment you are most comfortable in; focus on your career and personal aspirations and then go for it! 

This article was originally published in . It was last updated in

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