How an MBA Can Help You Build International Business Skills |

How an MBA Can Help You Build International Business Skills

By Nicole Willson

Updated Updated
The following article is sponsored by the University of St. Gallen, a leading European business school based in Eastern Switzerland. Check out their international MBA program.

Cross-Cultural Management Skills

Being a manager in an international business environment requires more than just the knowledge of different cultures and worldviews. You also need cross-cultural management skills to help you resolve cultural misunderstandings. Even the most culturally sensitive person can’t anticipate all of the different types of cultural differences they’ll encounter as part of the globalized workforce. These differences manifest themselves in many ways including the perception of time, the definition of success, and ideas of how to work as a team.
An MBA teaches you how to interact with customers and employees from other cultures. You will learn the best ways to communicate, as well as how to adapt management practices to different regions. An MBA also gives you a strong set of management skills and foundational knowledge that can guide you toward the right solutions for international management problems. Class projects and internships allow you practice using management skills in an international context.
One common international MBA course is Cross-Cultural Management – a study of current condition of the global economy and the business world. This course addresses two key themes: cultural barriers, and how those barriers affect global operations.

International Legal Skills for Business

While a global manager doesn't need a law degree, having international legal skills is a big help. Why would an MBA need to understand international law? First of all, familiarity with the law gives you the ability to identify potential legal problems. It also teaches you about the legal implications of business decisions, and the best times to seek legal counsel.
There are two common international management MBA classes that address international business rules and regulations, International Business Policy, and of course, International Law. International Business Policy teaches you strategic planning so you can manage international operations. It also provides you with an explanation of the policies affecting the strategic behaviour of governments and industries worldwide.
International Law provides you with an overview of the legal landscape for international business, particularly the affects law has on the global marketplace. Topics covered include contracts, liabilities, and the role of attorneys. International Law MBA courses also teach you how to work effectively with lawyers.

Global Finance Skills

We live in a global economy, which means that what happens locally can have a global financial impact. A bank closure in a small US town has the potential to affect people in other continents. The worldwide economy connects people and organizations in a variety of ways, which is why knowledge of how banks operate across the globe is crucial for those who want to work in the banking industry.
An MBA will allow you to transition into the banking industry by giving you a thorough knowledge of global finance. Most MBA programs require you to study basic accounting, including the ways new regulations have changed how businesses report their finances. Some international MBA programs also cover economic philosophies and theories. Common courses include: Financial accounting, Financial management, International marketing, International strategic management, and Global finance.
This article is sponsored by the University of St. Gallen, a leading European business school based in Eastern Switzerland. 

This article was originally published in . It was last updated in

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