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Why an EMBA Makes More Sense (For Me)
By QS Contributor
Updated UpdatedPursuing an EMBA is a great way to aid your career advancement while staying in your current job and saving money says CEU Business School student
You’ve already been working for a few years; coming to work each day seems like yet another day without challenges; career advancement is non-existent; you’ve had many ideas, but don’t know how to pitch them to decision makers; you want to try something new or different. Sound familiar? Yes? Well, then the answer to your problems is an MBA! Well, not always, but in many cases. It is with these cases in mind that the follow words are written.
If you ended up at this page, I’m assuming you already know why an MBA makes sense. The dilemma many working professionals face is whether to go for a full-time, a part-time or an executive MBA. To come to a reasonable decision, one must take a number of factors into account. I found more arguments in favour of an EMBA when I had to make the decision for myself. So, what should you consider?
Learn something or find an MBA job
Though these are related and you might say both, many take them as mutually exclusive goals. Some do an MBA for networking, some for career advancement, others do it because their companies asked them to do it and some do it just to get a fancy degree. When I talk to full-time MBA students, I get a feeling that there are not too many that are doing an MBA to actually learn something.
They do learn a lot during the process, but that’s almost peripheral.
What I mean is that, in Europe, once somebody starts a full-time MBA it's like running non-stop for the next year. Classes, assignments, extracurricular activities, participation in other events followed by looking for an MBA job or internship.
Learning somehow takes a backseat. In the current economic environment, MBA job seeking can be a very stressful process for many young graduates. So, it's obvious that this MBA job search takes priority over everything else as the program progresses. If learning is the goal, personally, I would recommend a slower pace, spread over two years.
The age factor
Sometimes it’s just the timing, but the average age of an MBA student is hardly indicative of the actual age of most EMBAs. Once you realize you expect something else from life or your career, the age counter is showing 40 something. Like it or not, if you’re looking for a career change after 40, job markets in Europe offer very limited opportunities. Career advancement means either growing within the organization or leveraging your extensive professional network…if you have one. Your best bet is gaining the required skills and network through a program that can be taken alongside your work.
MBA tuition is a big financial investment, from which one expects a return like any other investment. A full-time MBA requires an interruption in your career for at least a year. So, in addition to the MBA tuition itself, you need to keep in mind the loss of earnings from your job. Together it comes out to be a much larger sum, which will take much longer to pay off.
An executive MBA is an excellent opportunity for working professionals that are thinking along these lines. Whether it’s about career advancement and doing something completely different or about doing better in your current job, an EMBA will prepare you and give you the tools to achieve your goals. One can study while working and continue earning, which makes MBA tuition fees a little easier to stomach. There is no pressure of finding a job after your EMBA, and you can use the skills learned in your EMBA program right away in your current job and see for yourself how far the theory holds true in real life.
One can, of course, find many other arguments based on one’s individual situation and preferences. In the end, have a goal, have clear expectations from and priorities for your business management degree and it will be much easier to decide which program will give you the most benefit.
After extensive research, considering pros and cons, attending numerous MBA info sessions, checking the websites of all the business schools in Europe who I thought were worth their money, I chose CEU Business School’s executive MBA program. Next time I'll share with you how I, living in Munich, decided to do an MBA in Budapest. Stay tuned!
Sameer Saran is an electrical engineering graduate from India, currently pursuing his MBA at CEU Business School in Budapest, Hungary. Even after almost 14 years of association with the semiconductor industry, he is still fascinated by the tremendous amount of learning and growth opportunities this field offers. He has lived and worked in India, France and Germany and is currently working with Intel in Munich, in its mobile communication division. His professional interests lie in operational excellence, new venture development and the use of technology to uplift under-developed sectors of society. In his free time he enjoys playing tennis, reading, cooking and would one day love to see vegetarian cuisine go mainstream in Europe!
This article was originally published in . It was last updated in
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