Frankfurt School EMBA Targeting Wider Market: MBA News |

Frankfurt School EMBA Targeting Wider Market: MBA News

By Tim Dhoul

Updated Updated

The Frankfurt School of Finance & Management has announced that its executive MBA program is to be taught entirely in English from September 2015.

Heightened demand from international students has been cited as the reason behind the move. The EMBA joins the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management’s full-time MBA and specialized healthcare MBA program in being fully conducted in English.

Finding an executive MBA program in Germany that is completely taught in English is not unusual in itself – although a number of the existing options offered by leading business schools in Germany involve joint degrees. 

Germany’s executive MBA program options

Mannheim Business School has two joint executive MBA programs run in conjunction with either China’s Tongji University's School of Economics and Management (SEM) or France’s ESSEC Business School. Elsewhere, WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management and European Business School (EBS) have joined forces with the Kellogg School of Management and Durham University Business School respectively.

Leipzig Graduate School of Management operates a single-school EMBA in English, but one that focuses on international exposure and involves studying at partner institutions, including Business School São Paulo, in four countries other than Germany.

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management is not without its own international links, however. It has a second EMBA program that was founded in 2013 with the aim of providing training for executives in Central Africa, and one that is offered in collaboration with L’Université Protestante au Congo in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Back in Germany, the EMBA’s language shift has also provided Frankfurt School of Finance & Management with an opportunity to make changes to the executive MBA program’s 18-month timetable – which will now revolve around Friday afternoon and weekend classes on top of three full-week blocks.  

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management happy to make list

A video showcasing life at the school, and in the city of Frankfurt as a whole, through the use of Pharrell Williams’ song ‘Happy’, meanwhile, has just made a top 10 list celebrating YouTube’s 10th anniversary in the German state of Hesse.

This article was originally published in . It was last updated in

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