Eight Fact-Packed Podcasts Every MBA Student Should Be Listening To | TopMBA.com

Eight Fact-Packed Podcasts Every MBA Student Should Be Listening To

By Julia G

Updated March 23, 2018 Updated March 23, 2018

Business podcasts are a fantastic way to pick up useful career advice and industry insights in a relatively short space of time, making them perfect for time-strapped MBA students. Next time you need something to listen to on your daily commute, in breaks from studying, or even at the gym, download the latest episode of one of these podcasts.

HBR IdeaCast

What’s it about?

This podcast from the Harvard Business Review (HBR) features conversations with leading thinkers in business and management. Recent guests include Dominic Barton, the global managing partner of McKinsey & Company, and Drew Gilpin Faust, the president of Harvard University.

HBR IdeaCast aims to bring HBR articles to life, so if you haven’t got a subscription to the journal, this is a great way to access their journalism for free. Whether you’re a current MBA student or just starting the application process, there’ll be something here you’ll find interesting.

How often is it released? Weekly

How long is an episode? 20-30 minutes

TED Talks Business

What’s it about?

From the acclaimed TED Talks series comes this video podcast, which shares the stories of some of the world’s greatest innovators, entrepreneurs, and business researchers from TED stages worldwide.

Content varies from career advice (such as ways to expand your network) to burning issues of the day, like the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace in the wake of the #MeToo movement. It’s a perfect watch for anyone interested in business, current affairs, and work culture, and every episode is presented in an accessible, engaging style.

How often is it released? Varies, usually weekly

How long is an episode? 10-15 minutes

The $100 MBA Show

What’s it about?

If you want to build your business knowledge quickly through short, no-nonsense bursts of information, The $100 MBA Show, awarded ‘Best of iTunes’ in 2014, is the podcast for you.

Host Omar Zenhom worked as an educator and university manager for 13 years. He attended Wharton business school, only to drop out in frustration to build the $100 MBA Show, with the mission of revolutionising business education forever. His student-centred approach is at the forefront of the program, and he is often joined by industry experts to share some of the best insights and lessons to be found in the business world. Recent topics include choosing the right domain name for your business and the best time of year to run a conference or event. 

How often is it released? Usually daily

How long is an episode? 15-20 minutes

Knowledge @ Wharton

What’s it about?

The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania is behind this podcast which is part of their online business analysis journal, Knowledge @ Wharton. Featuring CEOs, Wharton faculty, and other industry commentators, episodes cover a diverse range of topics, from technology to politics.

There’s a rich archive of past episodes available on iTunes and their own website which are definitely worth exploring.

How often is it released? Varies, often more than one episode a day with gaps of up to a week in between episodes

How long is an episode?20-25 minutes

The McKinsey Podcast

What’s it about?

Management-consulting powerhouse McKinsey & Company take you inside their global firm with this podcast, featuring conversations with experts on pressing issues in the world of business and management.

If your post-MBA career plans involve the consultancy industry, this should absolutely be on your must-listen list, as it will give you plenty to discuss both in job interviews and in class.

How often is it released? Every fortnight

How long is an episode? 20-30 minutes

Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders

What’s it about?

Brought to you by Stanford University, this podcast bills itself as “a candid exploration of the entrepreneurial journey where informed leaders share personal stories of the secrets and setbacks behind real success”.

Especially suited to those whose post-MBA career plans involve the tech industry, Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders will still have enough useful information in it for students from other backgrounds. Guests come from a diverse range of industries, including Stanford faculty, start-up founders and even Hollywood, with Harrison Ford a recent guest on the show.

How often is it released? Weekly

How long is an episode?50-60 minutes

BBC Business Daily

What’s it about?

From the BBC World Service, this daily podcast explores and discusses world events, with a focus on money and work. The diversity of the topics covered (such as the urban housing crisis, big data, and Brexit) means you’ll never be stuck for a conversation starter in interviews or at networking events.

Episodes are short, rarely running for longer than 20 minutes, making them perfect for a lunchbreak or a commute.

How often is it released? Daily

How long is an episode? 15-20 minutes

How I Built This with Guy Raz

What’s it about?

Host Guy Raz is an award-winning journalist, correspondent and radio host, currently working at U.S radio station, National Public Radio (NPR), who has interviewed and profiled more than 6000 people over the 21-year span of his journalistic career. In this podcast he takes you on a narrative journey through the ups and downs of the stories behind some of the world’s best-known companies. Guests are innovators, entrepreneurs and idealists, with past episodes featuring James Dyson and Kate Spade.

Each episode focuses on an internationally well-known company, with a shorter segment at the end about an up-and-coming company. This podcast is compelling enough for people with only a passing interest in business and entrepreneurship, so will be completely fascinating for any MBA candidate.

How often is it released? Weekly

How long is an episode?40-60 minutes

This article was originally published in March 2018 .

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