CEO Summit Held at Yale School Of Management: MBA News |

CEO Summit Held at Yale School Of Management: MBA News

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By Louise O'Conor

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The 72nd Yale School of Management CEO Summit has been held in New York City, bringing together a diverse group of executives, government officials, investors, and academics to discuss the future business around the world.

Chaired by Yale School of Management's senior associate dean for executive programs, Jeffrey Sonnenfield, the summit attracted big names in global business, including Tom Horton, chairman and CEO of American Airlines; Robert Diamond Jr, former president and CEO of Barclays; Sir James Wolfensohn, former president of the World Bank Group; and John Bogle, founder of the Vanguard Group.

The group raised issues that are pertinent to today's MBA applicants and students, business leaders for the future. In particular, the summit discussed the topic 'can CEOs be superheroes? Do we expect too much from the boss?'

Despite the slow economic growth of the US, the group concurred that underlying fundamentals make it worthwhile to invest in the country. However, some members expressed frustration at some of the US government's policies, and so potential methods of making corporate voices better heard at Washington were discussed.

Some of the assembled group highlighted potential growth for business in Europe, however others raised problems as a result of Europe's inflexible worker's unions and governments.

In Asia, business potential was also brought up, however one of the major hurdles was deemed to be China's intellectual property issues.

Other areas of discussion included the role of companies in strengthening education in the US; the role of the corporate boards coupled with the pros and cons of splitting the chairman and CEO roles; and the relative advantages of being privately or publicly held.

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This article was originally published in . It was last updated in

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