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Articles with tag 'technology'
Learn about how online education is providing opportunities for those interested in the intersection of technology and education.
By Francesca Di
UpdatedWhile the full-time format remains the most popular, the demand for online MBAs is growing every year. Read this article to learn how technology has fundamentally reshaped the way…
By Seb Murray
UpdatedHologram people, robots and virtual reality: The ways in which the online MBA classroom is transforming.
By Karen Turtle
Updated"I saw business professionals come together to innovate and experience the buzz of a new idea and I knew that was the path I wanted to pursue." Business Management graduate…
By Laura L
UpdatedEmlyon Business School executive MBA student Xirong Zhang tells us what it's like to work in the gaming industry as a woman - and what she hopes to achieve from the EMBA programme.
By Niamh Ollerton
UpdatedMBA programmes continue to innovate to stay ahead of the curve. Read on to discover the tech innovations these business schools are making.
By Niamh Ollerton
UpdatedTechnology is changing the world around us. Find out how it’s also having an impact on the traditional MBA.
By Stephanie L