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Articles with tag 'EMBA alumni profiles'
Female fintech entrepreneur Maria Scott turned to the executive MBA program at Chicago Booth to help her launch her own business and has never looked back.
By Seb Murray
UpdatedJorge Dos Santos Neves’ Executive MBA experience made such an impact on him that he’d definitely love to do it again.
By QS Contributor
UpdatedFlorence Klein describes her Executive MBA experience as the greatest thing she ever did for herself.
By QS Contributor
UpdatedHye-Min Seo’s Executive MBA has been a ticket for travel.
By QS Contributor
UpdatedDimitri Chernobay embarked on his EMBA, but as he tells QS Top Executive, what he learnt in business school is still relevant today.
By QS Contributor
UpdatedNicolas Encina studied an executive MBA at Yale and has used the skills and knowledge he learned to set up and work for a wide range of medical technology businesses.
By Seb Murray
UpdatedWe asked alumni to share their experiences of some of the top EMBA programs featured in the QS Global EMBA Rankings 2018.
By Craig OCallaghan