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Articles with tag 'Alumni stories'
A look at recent gender pay gap findings from GMAC and Glassdoor as well as one dean’s view on getting more women to the top of business education.
By Tim Dhoul
UpdatedStudents more likely to accept an MBA job offer when their school’s alumni network is involved, in research from faculty at NYU Stern and MIT Sloan.
By Tim Dhoul
UpdatedeBay for Charity’s marketing manager, Alison Joseph, discusses how she got her start at the company as an MBA intern.
By Nicole Willson
UpdatedAdobe’s corporate responsibility innovation lead, Liz Lowe, discusses how she got her start at the company as an MBA intern.
By Nicole Willson
UpdatedIn which industries and locations have recent graduates of an MBA in Hong Kong found their post-MBA jobs? A look at three leading business schools.
By Tim Dhoul
UpdatedOnly 12% of MBA graduates from the US have switched their country of employment; a good deal lower than the global average, finds FT alumni survey.
By Tim Dhoul
UpdatedMatt Brancato was looking to change careers when he signed up for the Duke MBA. Five years on, he discusses his MBA internship experience at Vanguard.
By Nicole Willson