4 career benefits of studying an online MBA | TopMBA.com

4 career benefits of studying an online MBA

By Chloe L

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Sponsored by the University of Birmingham  

If you’re considering studying an MBA but you are looking for a flexible approach to study hours and adaptable learning methods, an online MBA might be right for you. 

The University of Birmingham sums up the career benefits of an online MBA in three ways: learn more, earn more and secure your future role.  

Online MBAs are particularly attractive to working professionals who want to continue working but are looking to upgrade their skillset and professional qualifications.  

There are several ways studying an online MBA can help you progress your career and here are four key career benefits it could bring to you.  

Fully immerse yourself in the MBA with varied ways of learning 

While studying an online MBA, students will be taught using video lectures, interactive assignments, real-life case studies, peer interaction and digital resources. Flexible, varied learning will enable you to focus on your career uninterrupted as you work towards your online MBA.  

At Birmingham Business School, students can supplement their six core modules in their first year with six elective modules in their second year, enabling you to build specialist knowledge tailored to your career. 

“The University of Birmingham gets the balance right through fortnightly synchronous seminar sessions, weekly discussion activities and regular group work, which means that there is plenty of interaction and networking among peers,” said Harriet Jeckells, a University of Birmingham online MBA graduate. 

Students will also benefit from leading industry guest speakers, case study assignments, discussion forums, simulations, group work activity and live lectures via zoom. 

At the University of Birmingham, the school’s online learning environment Canvas is used to create an interactive online community. Using this platform, students can contact their peers and tutors, use discussion forums, connect to live lectures and take part in group work.  

As well as learning from leading lecturers and industry speakers, students will have access to community boards, instant messaging services, live discussions and one-to-one support from a Student Services Coordinator.  Technical support is available at all times should you encounter any difficulties accessing the online platform. 

Enjoy an excellent return on investment (ROI) 

Although the initial cost on an online MBA may seem quite steep, it will soon pay for itself in terms of the salary increase you can expect. According to GMAC’s MBA Prospective Students Survey, 63 percent of online MBA candidates apply to the programme with the expectation of increasing their salary.  

The total cost of the online MBA programme at the University of Birmingham’s Birmingham Business School is currently £22,225.  

According to National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), MBA holders can expect an average starting salary of approximately US$87,970 (£67,142) compared to around $58,000 (£44,000) for bachelor’s degree holders. As you can see, this salary uplift means you are likely to earn back the cost of the online MBA programme soon after graduating. 

Online MBA graduates also enjoy high employment rates. At Birmingham Business School, 83 percent of online MBA graduates are in full time work within 15 months of graduating, and 9.1 percent are in further study.  

This high level of employment is boosted by the school’s Careers Network, which offers various careers services for online MBA students. These services include personalised MBA careers advice, one-to-one support and optional virtual workshops. Entrepreneur assistance is also offered to support students who are looking to start their own business. 

Take advantage of global connections 

Studying an online MBA can connect you to a global network of influential business contacts. Online MBA students will have the opportunities to network frequently throughout their degree.  

Birmingham Business School prides itself on its strong links and partnerships with industry. The school offers in-person and online networking events around the world, which gives you the chance to meet business professionals from a variety of industries and roles.  

While studying their online MBA, students will get the opportunity to grow their professional network in a variety of ways: whether that’s undertaking summer internships, working with alumni mentors or taking part in research projects. There are also with many opportunities to network with current students, in live seminars, discussion boards, or via group work activities. 

By studying an online MBA, you will also become part of the business school’s alumni network, which can connect you with leading industry professionals around the world.  

The University of Birmingham has alumni spanning 178 countries, including eight Nobel laureates and two prime ministers. Alumni play a large part in the University of Birmingham, acting as mentors to current students and organizing events. 

Enjoy a flexible learning schedule 

One of the major draws of an online MBA is being able to continue working while studying.  

The online MBA is designed to be flexible to fit around work, so you will be able to apply your knowledge and new skills to your role immediately. 

The University of Birmingham offers the first AMBA-accredited online MBA and MSc Business degrees. These programmes have three start dates per year, meaning applicants can start the courses in either March, June or October, based on what best suits them.  

This article was originally published in . It was last updated in

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